Share knowledge -- save lives.
ubAlert is a global social network that operates to save lives by sharing the knowledge of the worlds citizens with those in danger.
Our ubAlert app gives you all the information you need when it comes to disasters happening across the world. With data collected from both verified sources and users like you, you’ll instantly have access to everything you need to know about an event. Alerts contain basic event details, impact statistics, maps, images, videos, and more. You can instantly share alerts with friends and family members to get them out of harm’s way via email, Facebook and Twitter.
The goal of this app is to create the worlds largest, most reliable, all-hazard disaster alerting network by combining data from global institutions and data providers with crowd-sourced user accounts. Our global emergency warning platform validates the reliability of the reported content and then immediately alerts those who may be impacted, depending on the severity and location.
In the wake of the recent mega disasters (Indian Ocean Tsunami, Japan Earthquake/Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, etc...) and numerous man-made fiascos (SARs scare, Terrorist Attacks, etc…), its become painfully obvious that the existing alert systems arent enough. These events claimed more innocent lives than they had to, and weve been wondering why. You’d think our cities, states, and countries would have figured out a better way to warn us by now.
So we decided to create a global social network to fill the gap. If even a single life is saved, its been well worth the effort.
Why doesnt this exist already?
Three reasons:
- The disaster information is simply not known (not enough reporters and instruments on the ground yet);
- Governments and institutions are reluctant to alert citizens (some fear liability, some fear panic, and others, because they are irresponsible);
- The problem is hard to solve: how do you know who and when to alert in such a complex global village?
ubAlert gives POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
Imagine if an ordinary citizen could report only what she knows or sees, and have all who are interested instantly get informed. Suddenly, an initial report of a shooting in a neighborhood becomes an alert to all the neighbors, even ones she does not know yet. And imagine if there was a site that collected not only citizens alerts, but that of other organizations around the world, and filtered and sent each alert according to the users interests and potential impact! Wow, that will truly save lives! Thats the plan.
How does it work?
All you have to do is to tell us what is happening, where, how serious the event is, and how large the impact area could be. Then, ubAlert checks to see who may be within the impact area you designed and is interested in the alert, and we send them an alert!
Yes, we do our best to get the right data from the right organizations, globally. But we cannot win this battle without YOU. This is how heroes are born from ordinary citizens who help other strangers!
The world will thank you for your participation, and may hail you as the "hero" who averted a potential disaster.
Basic Features include:
- Interactive map
- Sort events by severity / popularity / location
- Report an event and submit a photo
- Share events by email, or post links to Facebook and Twitter
- Save alerts to your “watch” list for quick viewing
- Adjust text size
- Provide feedback regarding credibility of the post to prevent fraudulent posts
- Adjust settings to display distance in kilometers or miles
Login to ubAlert system to gain access to the following features:
- Get push notification alerts for events happening in your area
- Adjust your location settings, to a specific location and radius
- Sort alert list to view only alerts in your location
- Add important alerts to your watchlist for quick access
View terms of use here: